Saturday, October 25, 2008

2 Girls...

The wait is now over. It was confirmed on Friday that we are going to be blessed with 2 girls.
Robb is still walking around like a deer in headlights. "What am I going to do with 2 girls?" I think he is worried about all the boys he will have to deal with down the road.
Me.... I am not as disappointed as I thought I would be. I am so excited ... now we just have to come up with an equally cool name as Zoe for her sister.

Babies are growing well. Baby A (formerly known as Chance) is around 15 oz and Zoe is 14. On track for week 21. Both placentas are out of the way making it possible to dream for a natural birth.

I have been pretty tired. But feeling a million times better. I feel like I have been eating constantly, however I am still losing weight. The Dr isn't worried and neither am I. I know I have sufficient "reserves" for us all to get the calories we need to be healthy. I also am confident that the healthy way I have been taking care of my body the last few years has built up some healthy nutrient reserves as well. I just have to concentrate on making sure I get the vitamins that don't store well ( like vitamin C) and getting enough protein, iron and calcium.

I just can't believe I am getting two girls. I got to spend a good hour or so watching them yesterday as the ultra sound tech checked over everything. They are not something I dreamed up...they are really there...growing and moving and learning already. Two little pieces mixed of all the hopes and love my hubby and I could make. I am elated and terrified all at the same time. I just pray that all ups and downs will bring me to the healthy, happy babies I have been dreaming of my whole life.

Love to you all,
Elizabeth :)