Tuesday, December 16, 2008

30 weeks already

Hello All,
I can't believe I let my blog linger for so long...sorry about that. Everyone is very well, I have been increasingly tired and busy with the holiday season.

First a note to my East Coast Family. Congrats to Susan on her marriage and baby due sometime around my girls. My thoughts and love go out to all of you! I heard a great story recently about talk of my girls' names around the table at a family gathering and it made me so happy to know ya'll were thinking of me :) I am truly a lucky girl!

The second note is the shower is Dec 27th 1-4. The original evite that went out mid November only went to work addresses. So everyone that had yahoo or hotmail accounts didn't get one. So...paper invites are going in the mail this week I am told. I didn't send out invitations to all those far and wide. While I would love any part of my "east coast family" to be a part of my shower I don't think any of you have plans to fly up the weekend after Christmas... so please don't feel slighted that you didn't get an invite. The love and support of everyone is so overwhelming.... how do I even begin...

The girls are amazing! I am at 30 weeks as of this Monday with anywhere from 6-8 weeks left to go. The last long ultra sound we had on 12-12 put Azy at 2lb 2 oz and breech in the middle of my pelvis. Zoe is 2lb 7 oz and still sideways above her sister. She is our little acrobat and had her feet up by her face during the ultra sound. Both are growing like weeds and moving a lot when not sleeping. By now I should have over 5lb of baby in me. I am relieved to be pass the 30 week mark and overjoyed at how big they are already. At this point they can arrive safely and take a few extra weeks in the NICU growing. I am still hoping they will stay and grow until early February.

I am continuing to work and crawl into bed as soon as I get home. Trying to eat for 3 people is a challenge and I feel like I am eating all the time. My ligaments are stretching to get ready for delivery and my lower half aches all the time. I have been very lucky compared to many. The list of complications and sever pains that I could have are long and I am blessed to have almost none of them. So I really have no complaints.

I will add new pictures later today or tomorrow. I can still tell the girls apart by noses. I told Robb that it may be a few days before I know who is who depending on what kind of swelling birth has in store for their faces. Azy has my bridge and Robb's tip and Zoe is the opposite with Robb's bridge and my tip. I can't wait to see how these features play out on their faces. But I can already tell they are beautiful.....or is that motherly bias?

We have most of baby central put together with a few things left to get taken care of. I need to reupholster the rocker, get the cribs assembled and pack my hospital bag. I plan to bring the girls home in the layette that was knitted for me by my Nana Margaret. A yellow cardigan, booties and hat with a puff on the top. I also found another knit set at a garage sale that is pink and similarly made with love by someones Grandma. I also have fleece blankets by Grandma Twila and knit afghans by Great Grandma Bama (that my sister in laws held on for me in the hopes that "someday" a baby would come my way). So treasured keepsakes are being packed along with whatever new memories we will make.

I must get back to work,
Love and Blessings to you All this Holiday Season!
Elizabeth :)


Kyria said...

Glad to hear all is well :D

momofcrazykids said...

Thanks for the baby updates. It's great that things are going well. Can't wait till Sat. Katrina

Anonymous said...

Where are the new pictures you promised?